
Thanks so much to Koushi Ono for the interview! The Time Capsules were active during the 90s and these dayes Koushi goes under the name Alvysinger. This is great pop in the vain of Pale Fountains, Jim Jiminee or The Jazz Butcher. Well worth the listen. Please enjoy!

++ Hi Ono-san! First of all thanks so much for being up for this interview. I know these days you are in Alvysinger but many years ago you had a wonderful band called The Time Capsules. What would you say are the main differences between them?

小野さん、こんにちは!まず今回のインタビューを引き受けてくださり本当にありがとう。最近あなたはAlvysingerとして活動していますが、数年前The Time Capsulesという素晴らしいバンドを組んでいましたよね?大きな違いは何か説明してくれますか?

First, I would like to express my thanks for your taking interest in a kind of obscure band The Time Capsules. I am now pursuing my music career as “Alvysinger.” Although the name is changed, the spirit is just the same as The Time Capsules. It is true that the taste may be more personal because “Alvysinger” is my own solo project.


++ So let’s go back in time, to the 90s, that’s when The Time Capsules start, right? How did the band start? Who were the members and how did you know each other?

では90年代を振り返りますが、The Time Capsulesが結成されたのはその頃ですよね?どのようにバンドの活動がスタートしたのでしょうか?メンバーにはどんな人がいたのですか?どのように知り合ったのでしょうか?

The founding members were Koushi Ono (guitar, vocal) and Takehiro Uemura (guitar, synthesizer). In the summer of 1996, the band started with those members, college students at that time. We had been classmates at high school. We had entered different universities, but we had great time talking about Johnny Dee when we met again during the summer vacation. We had found ourselves being good friends and respecting each other. Then, we realized our tastes for indie music totally fit together. So, don’t you think it is good time to start the band?


++ And what about the name? Where does it comes from?


We didn’t care about the music scene. We just wanted to record good music. The band was named after our hope that somebody might dig it up and listen to it somewhere and someday. Let’s put this moment in the time capsule! That was how we were feeling when we named the band. When we grew up, however, it sounded a bit too young and green, so we didn’t like it any more. That’s why I changed the name to “Alvysinger.”


++ And by the way, if you were able to travel in time, in a time capsule, when and where in time would you go?


I would like to fly back to the time when we formed The Time Capsules. It was totally a fun. We learned how to create music together, dreaming of a bright future. That was how we were. If we had been more ambitious, we would be successful. If I could go back to those days, I would spank them and make them work harder. J


++ On your Alvysinger myspace you wrote: “we were too young to overcome various temptation, video game, mystery, horse racing, and we had been crazy about idle talk in those days”. So which were those temptations? What video games did you love? Did you ever win at horse racing? And what’s idle talk?!


This is exactly the reason why we didn’t make it. We lived far away (about 800 miles) from each other, so we only worked together during long vacations. Of course, we worked separately sometimes, and sent demo tapes to each other, but basically we were lazy and crazy about pleasurable pastimes. My favorite video games? I was fond of playing anything: Nintendo, PlayStation… whatever. I would buy any newly released game. Especially, I was crazy about Biohazard (Resident Evil), Dragon Quest, and Derby Stallion, for example. I loved detective stories, read lots of manga, and watched many movies. Every weekend, I went to horse racing. I only picked a long shot, so I didn’t win every week, but when I won, it was a jackpot. Like this, I spent my undergraduate days just hanging around. I was a typical Japanese college student. And what’s idle talk? It was literally idle talk, which is empty and produces nothing.


++ On the Time Capsules’ recordings I can notice the influence of many great guitar pop bands like The Pale Fountains or The Jazz Butcher. What were your favourite bands? Any Japanese bands that you love and would like to recommend?


Yes! Let’s get down to business.J At the beginning of our project for The Time Capsules, I didn’t know The Pale Fountains or The Jazz Butcher. I wanted to produce “evergreen” songs like Burt Bacharach or the Beach Boys. I just created music as I wanted and sang as I liked. As I listen to it now, I agree that it surely sounds like The Pale Fountains or The Jazz Butcher. I love their music and I admit that I was influenced by them, but it is not that we tried to become like them. My favorite guitar bands are: The Pale Fountains, The Trash Can Sinatras, The Wind (Tan Sleeve), The Hang Ups, North of Cornwallis. My favorite Japanese bands are: Johnny Dee, SUGAR BABE, Fishmans, Uchoten, Original Love. Among the Japanese bands these days I like Petrolz (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiNL-uzJbdk) and Kimyo Reitaro (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO0-z36FrNI&feature=related ). I should mention my favorite musicians: Burt Bacharach, Alzo, Lane Stainburg, Tsuyoshi Shimoda, Kiyoshiro Imawano. I don’t listen to guitar bands very often. I like to listen to songs produced around the year of 1976 when I was born, for example, AOR, soul music and acoustic swing.

イエス、そろそろ音楽の話をしようか(笑)タイムカプセルズの初期にはペイルファウンテインズもジャズブッチャーも知らなかった。僕らはエヴァーグリーンな曲を作りたかった。バートバカラックやビーチボーイズのように。思うように曲を作り、好きなように歌って後で聞いてみたら、なるほどペイルファウンテインズやジャズブッチャーに似ているね。それらは大好きだけで影響も受けたけど、彼らになろうとしたわけではないよ。好きなギターバンドは、The Pale Fountains、The Trash Can Sinatras、The Wind (Tan Sleeve)、The Hang Ups、North of Cornwallisなど。最近気に入っている日本のバンドはPetrolzと奇妙礼太郎。最近あまりギターバンドは聴いてないな。生まれ年の1976付近に制作されたものを好んで聞いている。AORとかソウル、アコースティックスィングなんかをね。

++ So did The Time Capsules get to release anything? I heard there was a cassette release?


Only “All for Our Tears,” which we released as cassette tapes for ourselves in 2000. We had no choice because we didn’t get any offer.

2000年にセルフでカセットリリースした”all for our tears”だけだよ。どこからも声がかからなかったからね

++ How many songs did The Time Capsules record? Care to list them for me?


We didn’t record so many complete songs. We included all songs we want you to listen to in “Touch.” As for other songs, we should keep them between Uemura and me.


++ I would say that my favorite song of yours is “Small Trick You Boy”, it’s fantastic! Care telling me the story behind the song?

私の好きな曲は「Small Trick You Boy」です。これは素晴らしい。この曲の裏話を聞かせていただけますか?

Thank you. We recorded this song as a B-side of “All for Our Tears.” We intended to make an up-tempo vigorous song. Those days I was fond of Jim Jiminee. A female voice you may hear singing in unison is my wife now. All of us sang together into one microphone… it was really a fun to record this song.

ありがとう。この曲はAll for Our TearsのB面として作ったんだ。早くてガッツのある曲を作ろうと思ったのさ。当時ジムジミニーが好きだったからね。ユニゾンで歌ってる女性は僕の奥さん。みんなで一本のマイクでコーラス録音したり、楽しかったな。

++ Also there was a CDR called “Touch” with 8 tracks. It seems sold out now. Who were the Blue Lambretta label that released it? And what can one expect from this CDR? Will there be more copies anytime soon?

8曲入りの“Touch”というCDRもありますが現在は売り切れ状態のようです。このCDRをリリースしたBlue Lambrettaというレーベルはどういった方々なのでしょうか?このCDRはどういうものですか?いつか再発される予定はありますか?

This Blue Lambretta is a private label owned by Thee Windless Gates. They kindly offered to release us on the label. In fact, I cut discs and ship them. Well, it’s a so-called self-release.

このthe Blue Lambretta labelは、Thee Windless Gatesの個人レーベル。今回焼印を押してもらったんだ。実際に盤を作ったり、発送したりは僕が行っている。ま、セルフリリースだね!

++ What about the compilation “Airport Terminal 01”? I know you contributed to it. When was it released? And who made this CD? Which other bands are on it?

“Airport Terminal 01”というコンピレーションについてはどうですか?あなたも曲を提供していますね。リリースされたのはいつですか?このCDを制作したのは誰でしょうか?他に収録されているバンドにはどういった方々がいますか?

“Airport Terminal 01” was released on Airsport label in September 2004. This label is a music division of the design company (http://www.on-airs.com) presided by Atsushi Ito in Nagoya. Uemura and I were introduced by Tsuyoshi Shimoda and had a chance to join the compilation project. Johnny Johnny’s “Still I Always…” is a great number. I am proud of our “Call me up” as a nice sprightly number.

2004年9月名古屋のデザインラボAIRSの音楽レーベルAIRSPORTからリリースされた。レーベルを主宰するのは伊藤敦志さん。僕らは下田剛さんの紹介で参加することができた。johnny johnny: Still I Always…はグレイトナンバーさ。僕らの”call me up”もナイスな疾走ナンバーだと自負している。

++ What about gigs? Did The Time Capsules play many? Any particular that you are fond of?


I don’t play gigs. It is a very rare case, but I performed together with TWG at the event called MTMR in Kyoto last September (in 2011). I’m trying to find an impressive way to express my works. My live performance (singing with playing the guitar) is not so enjoyable for the audience, I think.


++ And tell me about the Japanese scene during those days in the mid-late 90s? How was it? Were there many bands? festivals? Was there any support from the press to neo-aco bands or was it over already?


Those days the movement called Shibuya-kei (Shibuya style) was popular among young people in Japan. Many neo-aco bands and guitar-pop bands started their career. There were a lot of indie labels. That was the last period when we had a dream in music, I guess.


++ You are from Kitami-Shi in Hokkaido. I don’t really know much from your city to be honest. Were there any other like-minded bands? Are there neo-aco fans there? And what about your favourite places to hang out and party there?


There is nothing you can be proud of in the music scene in Kitami. There are a few local bands. There may be some neo-aco fans, but I don’t see any indie-pop party here.


++ And if I was a tourist in your town, what would you say are the must see sights? And food? Any specialties in Kitami-shi? 🙂


Hokkaido is a treasure chest of Japanese food. Anything is delicious here, seafood, land products, sweets and so on. It is a very cold area with a lot of nature. If you visit me in winter, let’s go on horseback to see drifting blocks of ice on the sea. Then, we will warm ourselves eating hot pot dishes.


++ And what did you do in between The Time Capsules and Alvysinger?


As I said at the beginning, the only difference between The Time Capsules and Alvysinger is the name of the project. We just changed the name for refreshment. Then, Uemura got busy with his job and he is now taking a break from his music career. That was in 2005 and I switched to PC-based recording at that time, so I was studying how to use the mechanical equipment. In 2006, I started recording songs by myself and releasing them under the name of Alvysinger.


++ When you are not making music, what other hobbies or interests do you enjoy doing?


I’m working full-time for a company, so I usually work at the desk in the office. After coming home, I play together with my little daughter. I spend two hours making music in my own room every night while she is sleeping. After all, I have no time to spare for other hobbies. I like riding on a horse, reading, watching movies, and betting on a horse, but I spend only a short time on any of them. I like cooking, too. Cooking is very similar to making music. Speaking of movies, “Låt den rätte komma in” was great! I was really taken with it. I haven’t seen the Hollywood remake version yet. “Millennium” was good, too. Swedish movies are very successful these days.


++ So, let’s talk about Alvysinger sometime soon Ono-san? Let’s wrap here this Time Capsules interview, it was a pleasure. Anything else you’d like to add?


Thank you for your attention. The history of The Time Capsules ended up, but I will continue to release songs as Alvysinger. Uemura might be coming back. I’m really looking forward to the day when we work together again and release our new songs.



Translated by Masafumi Moriwaki

翻訳 森脇正史


Time Capsules – Small Trick You Boy

One Response to “:: The Time Capsules”

My faves from “Touch!” are “Maroon, Plants, No!” and “Acoustic Mission” – the album is simply too good to be buried under the deeps of the past! Got to be re-released!

Such a collective talent the two gentlemen were – their reunion is eagerly awaited.

Meanwhile, looking forward to hearing from Ono-san on his ever great Alvysinger.

big prank you girl
January 10th, 2012