Some jangly perfection from the early 90s. That is what the British band The Rainhorns were. Do you remember them?
“Facefull of Tears” was their only release. And it was a rare tape. Who knows how many copies were made. Maybe not too many. Was it perhaps a demo tape with 12 songs? Or was it really sold as an album?
It was 1991 when Farm Records (FARM 4) released this tape. The label appears on Discogs but has nothing else listed other than this tape. Was it the band’s own label? Did the label put out FARM 1, 2 or 3? Maybe they were other demo tapes from The Rainhorns? Many questions, no answers.
The album with “facefull” misspelled had a black and white photocopy style sleeve. Who is the person on the sleeve? An actor/actress maybe?
What we do know is the tracklist though, “Fifteen”, “Fairground”, “Keep Me in Mind”, “Miderable Town”, “How Can I”, “Hillside Heroin”, “Swirl”, “Waiting for the Sun”, “Shine Right Through Me” on the A side and “The Summer’s Come”, “Kitchen” and “Marrygoaround” on the B side.
I hope to find who were behind this band. If they were in any other bands. Where were they from. Anyone could help me with details?
The Rainhorns – How Can I