
I continue the investigation on obscure French demo-tape bands. Today is the turn of Les Mistons, the mischief makers.

Named after the great François Truffaut movie of 1957, this band is known for their appearance on both Heol tapes. That means on the “Heol” comp cassette released by Karen in 1990 (KAREN02) and on the “Heol Daou” released by Katiho that same year (KATIHO 02).

The sound of this band is lo-fi. Probably there is just one person behind the band. Strumming the guitar in a lovely way. But is there any details we know about them?

The song on the “Heol” tape is called “Scar”. The song on “Heol Daou” is called “She Was too Damn Stupid to see I Wasn’t With Her”. We also know the band hailed from France as Fabien from Anorak Records confirmed it when I interviewed him.

Other than what I’ve mentioned there is no more details about them on the web. I’ve found a few other bands names the same way but sounding terribly different and many times from other time periods.

I wonder if my French friends can help on this one?


Les Mistons – Scar