
Here’s another band I know barely a thing.

What I know is that they appeared on three compilations and for a long time I confused them with The Imaginary Friend.

I want to say they hailed from the UK. But I am not 100% sure. Their first compilation appearance was in the US compilation “Seahorses”. On this tape that came with the fifth issue of the Red Roses for Me fanzine (RRT03), the band contributed the track “Within You”. The year was 1992.

This compilation is well known, having featured half of the bands on the tape on the blog (and who knows, maybe in the next few years the other half?).

That same year, 1992, the band would contribute three songs to a German compilation tape “Sandcastles in the Sun” (MEL 10) was released by Meller Welle Produkte and included the songs “Funseekers Paradise”, “Some Things Aren’t Meant to Happen” and “Fall”. The first two were on the A side while the last one was on the flipside.

A few tears later, Meller Welle Produkte would include them on another cassette comp, “Ha Ha, Funny Feeling!” (MEL 15). This time two more songs, “Break” and “Untitled”, were the contributions by Imaginary.

So in total there were 6 tracks. Maybe all from the same demo tape? Who would know.

There are no names, no credits, as far as I know for these songs. So it is proven difficult to find more details. The name Imaginary is also not easy to Google. So I hope our readers have a detail or too. Maybe you saw them play live? Or have a tape by them? Anything would be great, please share what you know!


Imaginary – Within You

One Response to “:: Imaginary”

They were from Blackpool in the UK

The demo tape that Within You was on had two other songs “Funseekers Paradise” and “Some Things Aren’t Meant To Happen” which as you mentioned appeared elsewhere.

That’s all I know unfortunately

Steve (rrfm)

Steve Genge
September 12th, 2024